Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sissy of the Year Award Goes to . . .

"George" our Ivy league analyst from Merrill Lynch.

Upon hearing about Bank of America's acquisition of his firm, our named whiner stated, "I was shocked. I was screaming.

One of my friends at Bank of America texted me, 'Hey, we might be buying you guys.'

I was in denial. You see, Merrill has a much better repuation than a commercial bank like Bank of America. I was shocked I would be joining a lower-tier commercial bank. There's a feeling, 'I didn't go through this whole interview process to work at a commercial bank."

Note to George, during the bear market of the 1970s many of your Ivy breathren drove cabs in Manhattan to make ends meet. Oh and Merrill hasn't had a great reputation in a long time either, pal.

Reality check for America, a supposed captain-of-industry to be can't come to grips with the fact that he will still have a cushy job, likely forecasting EPS growth to the penny, making buy, hold, and sell recommendations that are surely to be wrong, like most of the garbage research that comes out of Wall Street firms.

Thankfully he will never have to work with real men at the old Beth Steel plant in Sparrows Point, or any number of jobs that hard working folks do. Hell, with that whining attitude he'd get beat up and have his lunch money stolen if he ever had to work around real men.

Read more about "George's" angst here at the Ivygate Blog.

This Bud is for you George, proving that yes, we have raised a nation of spoiled and soft youth.

Oh and don't forget your ballet shoes. . . Sissy!

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