Monday, January 5, 2009

What is A Crime and What is Justice?

Is it a youth in the inner city stealing a car stereo, or a college student getting busted one too many times for smoking the ole reef?

Surely many Americans have and still do enjoy a little mother nature.

So what do we do as a nation? We incarcerate the above. We label them criminals and menaces to society. And while perhaps they are no angels, they will likely end up in jail, or doing community service.

But what if they had ruined countless lives and stolen $50 billion dollars throughout the years? Well then, surely they would be confined to a posh Fifth Avenue apartment!!!

Poor them, poor Bernie Madoff. Jail would be too good for him.

The only thing better would have been to invade a backwater of a country in the Middle East and made a war criminal of oneself. At least then one would have been rewarded with the Presidency!

Life is always stranger than fiction. We could not make up the idiocy that goes on in modern society. And if we had crafted such plot lines, no one would believe us anyway!

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